Market checking carried out jointly by Distt level checking squad regarding the Holy Ramzan at HQ Doda*

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Market checking carried out jointly by Distt level checking squad regarding the Holy Ramzan at HQ Doda*

Doda::To strive in for ensuring safe, pure,quality & wholesome essential commodities to the Customers & public especially on the prevalent Holy days of Ramzan & forthcoming days of Festivals,on the directions of  Dr.Ravi Kumar Bharti Additional Deputy Commissioner Doda (Adjudicating Officer FSSA Doda) today on 23/04/2022  the constituted team of the District HQ Doda  including the Enforcement Officers of Police,CA&PD ,MC ,Food Safety,Drug Inspector DFCO, legal metrology & allied Deptts.carried out an extensive drive of the market in order to prevent profiteering, checking the quality of Food articles, Hygiene & sanitation of the Business establishments ,tracing the erring shopkeepers who indulge overcharging ,the chemists who do not comply with FSSA, the business operators were imparted with the directions to display at their respective licenses & rate lists at the prominent places of their shops .During the surprise inspections 49 erring Bussiness Operators were found on the spot & were warned of to comply with the instructions issued on the spot & make compliance of the Acts as soon as possible and in case of violations found in the coming days market check the defaulters found if any shall be dealt with iron hands.In pursuant to same instructions & in lead of the market checkings Food Safety Bhaderwah I/C HQ Doda lifted 02 samples of eatables-Backery & paneer for Analysis under the Act.Awareness explored but simultaneously warned of to desist from malpractices.


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