Department of Economics organised an extension lecture on “Stock Market: A Source of Long Term Wealth Creation”.

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Department of Economics organised  an extension lecture on “Stock Market: 
A Source of Long Term Wealth Creation”.


Doda::Today  an extension lecture was organised by the Department of Economics in collaboration with the Department of History under the supervision of Principal GDC Doda, Dr. Attar Singh Kotwal. 
The theme of extension lecture  was “Stock Market: A Source of Long Term Wealth Creation”. The resource person of the session was Prof. Amit Kumar, Assistant Professor Economics GDC Doda. The program began with the welcome address by  Prof. Syed Kazim Ali Shah, HOD Economics. He also coordinated the whole program. While welcoming the faculty members and audience, Prof. Syed Kazim   highlighted the importance of such programs especially in this digital world. He also threw light on Financial market , it’s two components i.e Money market and Capital market and  also parts of capital market.  Prof.  Amit Kumar  in his power point presentation  explained the concept of stocks, stock market, it’s types and procedures for investing in stock market. He also made the audience familiar with the advantages of such investments and at the same time also made them aware about the risks involved in this regard. Dr. Ajaz Ahmed Wani, HOD Zoology and coordinator IQAC also addressed the students on this occasion. He congratulated the departments of Economic and History for organizing this event. He also encouraged the students to participate more and more  in such programs , as participation in such programs helps students to imbibe practical knowledge and skills  for successful  future life. Prof. Babu Ram, HOD Chemistry delivered his presidential  address. While congratulating the organisers, Prof. Babu Ram also suggested that more such programs be organised in future both for students as well as for faculty members. The event was also attended by Prof. Falak, Dr. Tabassum, Dr. Masood Ayoub, Prof. Younis Rashid, Dr. Mohd Arif and Dr. Abu Zaid. The program ended with the formal vote of thanks by Prof. Mohd Ashraf, HOD History. He   also expressed hope that such programs will be organised in future as well. It is pertinent to mention here that this is the first event  of the series of programs to be organised by the Departments of Economics and History and the next program of this lecture series would be on “Insurance sector” in next month.


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