Truancy Leading to serial collapse of Govt. Schooling in Zone Ghat, Distt. Doda, ZEO issues warning

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Truancy Leading to serial collapse of Govt. Schooling in Zone Ghat,   Distt. Doda, ZEO issues warning


Doda::Disappointed with the deteriorating Government Schooling and rampant truancy by Teachers from School duty compelled Zonal Education Officer Ghat to issue warning to truancy habitual staff.

It is pertinent to mention here that Education Zone Ghat starts  just after one Kilometers  from the Doda Zone and extends upto  25 Kilometers and is considered most deteriorated Zone in the District. Available figures disclose over 40 Govt. Schools have gone defunct in last few years which include 33 Primary Schools and 07 Middle Schools half of them with Zero Roll  prominent among them are  PS Bhadra, PS Gangatha, PS Machrota, PS Thub, GPS Bhadroon, PS Rahie, PS Balhal, PS Banyala, PS Lower Bheli , PS Mochi Pura, PS Peerwass, PS Chakri, PS Suigari, PS Shashi Pura, PS Pandkal, PS Dalhal, PS Dhar.

Reports indicate mostly Teaching staff reaches School at 10 AM and immediately after 1PM they are seen roaming in Doda Market, ZEO Office, CEO Office with their motor cycles, Maruti Cars. Even scores spent their whole day roaming in Doda town for their own interests due to poor monitoring and unaccountability in drawl of monthly salary. Compelling Zonal Education Officer Ghat to issue warning to teachers habitual of truancy vide his No: ZEO/G/1254-56 dated: 06-09-2022 to remain adhered to legitimate duties or faces disciplinary action. The prevailing trend of increasing roll in private schools reveals parents are inclined toward admission of their wards in private schools due to absenteeism, truancy and unaccountability in Govt. School in Zone Ghat. Bio metric attendance has no utility in Zone Ghat there is ample time between 9 AM to 3 PM for to and fro journey  from School to Doda market for absentee teachers invites attention of higher authorities.   


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