Food Safety Deptt DFCO Doda marches to farfurlong areas for implementation of FSSA and Eat Right initiatives*

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Food Safety Deptt DFCO Doda marches to farfurlong areas for implementation of FSSA and Eat Right initiatives*


Doda:: Sweeping the board under the Eat Right India initiatives and for proper capitalization of the Food Safety Standards Act ,today the  sh.Balbir Singh Enforcement Officer /Food Safety Officer Asser by the dint of untiring efforts reached the remotest area of Block Asser called Behota , started his job by  calling  on the local shopkeepers and imparted awareness under the Act & under Eat Right India guidelines & further  in order to combat with adulteration and to ensure safe and qaulity as well as wholesome food to the public ,the Officer Concerned carried on the collecting the samples of food and randomly lifted( 02 ) two samples for analysis under FSSA. Meanwhile to dispense with the extar services,the Officer Concerned outreached to a School  -Govt.UPS Upper  Behota,Zone Asser. and intended to inspect the Mid Day Meals being served to the students, firstly, acted upto the awareness regarding the guidelines of Mid Day Meals including Hygienic practices, Cleanliness, Sanitation then to make use of safe  qaulity & fresh  Meals for the students with the availability of Safe Drinking water. During the visit the kitchen, Utensils & serving areas were inspected ,Hygiene of the kitchen & personnel Hygiene of the concerned cooks & helpers was also cross examined and advised on the spot. Accordingly ,the lectures regarding improvements,Fortifications & other related parameters were delivered to the staff & school students ,importantly,to address the challenges of malnutrition and anemia the concerned were instructed to comply with the directions & provisions made thereunder.Over & above,lectures were delivered to explore the mission of *Nasha Mukt Bharat* and during the this hectic journey all along the way COTPA was also implemented by organising  one camp at Village Behota under COTPA to spread awareness among  the innocent people & encouraged them to come forward for Healthy India.


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