Jammu And Kashmir People Forum held a Press Conference at Doda

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Jammu And Kashmir People Forum held 
a Press Conference at Doda


Doda::Today a Press Conference was held by Jammu And Kashmir People Forum regarding the upcoming “Shardanjali And Sankalp Sabha” that will be held on 22-05-2022 at Sports Stadium Doda. 
Anti nation forces have tried to broke peace and tranquility in the Districts of Doda, Bhaderwah and Ramban by means of various terrorist related activities but  the peace loving people of these districts never bowed before them and failed the nefarious plans of anti national forces against their forced migration from their home. Many brave hearts who uplifted the moral of common masses of these areas were selectively killed to lower the moral of the society. These Nationalist who either belonged to Civil Society or VDC (now VDG) or persons belonging to Defense Forces or Police Personal attained supreme sacrifice for the Peace And Tranquility Of District's (Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban) in different Massacres such as Kulhand Massacre, Sarthal Bus Yatra, Barshalla, Kalmadi, Dessa, Chapnadi, Ramban, Etc. Shrdhanjli will be paid to these Pious Souls and Sanklap will be taken for Terrorism Free District's (Ramban, Doda and Kishtwarh).
The message should be forwarded that every person should come on 22-05-2022 to pay their shradhanjli to all these person. The Brief was Given By Raghu Metha Sr. Adv., Ashok Gupta And Vikas Sharma Adv. (All these are Trustee of Jammu And Kashmir Forum)


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