One day training under Tobacco Control program (NTCP)conducted at HQ Doda*

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One day training under Tobacco Control program (NTCP)conducted  at HQ Doda*


Doda::Today on 26th March 2022 one day training of
Police/Teachers/Transport personnel  was conducted at HQ Doda Under National Tobacco Control Program(NTCP). 
This one day training worshop was conducted as per the directions /instructions of Director Health Services jammu Under the able cammond of Deputy Commissioner Doda and supervision of Chief Medical Officer as Chief Guest at the venue at HQ Doda. 

For exploring awareness Chief Guest Dr.yakoob Mir CMO Doda emphasized on the topic in lucid & sceince-based manner .

At onset of the day sh. Faheem incharge National Disease Control Doda did share his part of the topic with excellence & Sh.Omer Anaya Distt.

Epidemiologist did wonderful ,elaborated the topic on PP mode Added on new acknowledgements sh.Ashwani SI on behalf of Distt.Police highlighted the importance of the workshop & did explain the topic of the Day with full zest  , Mohd.Shafi Attu Nodal Officer Covid Vaccination Doda organised the workshop meticulously while imparting training to the participants Sh.Taraq Ahmad Butt Assistant Commissioner Food Safety DFCO District Doda did play a role  as a  trainer on board with simple prepositions who during the training was tremendous to  make best of the best elaborations divided the workshop into three sessions including notorious & drastic effects on human body/ Environment/ Economy & on  society & in the  second session COPTA (The Cigarette & other Tobacco products Act 2003,Rules 2004,2008,2011& latest amendment2019,2020 &  2021 added with Sections section 4,5, 6 & 7 & Rules made thereunder  were taught to the participants with full coverage to the Act & third session was fixed for question answer in which max.participants asked cross questions .
To gauge the extremly harish impact of Consumption of Tobacco and its products the trainer & experts amid at to motivate the participants with proper acknowledgements all provisions of the Act .Offences like extortions & dangerous driving that could cause death attract 05 years Imprisonment with fine whereas paan,bedi Gutka(banned) & other Tobacco sellers would face the hardest possible punishment for minors violations & put the same category as those who through acid on someone.Already our country has toughest Tobacco Laws which led to degrowth the consumption .This check & control will fight against the deadly diseases like coronavirus,diabetes, obesity,mental health & air pollution etc. Although the  markets  is having these products but as per the Act sale is permitted but not to the minors & to be  adhered to the Cigarette warnings & other provisions of the Act
The recent reports have flagged that in District Doda max.users age is 18 to 20 years which is alarming & need to be  stopped by wake of awareness ,behvourial therapies,counselings ,de  addiction schemes  & discourage the exposed sale & distribution so as to avoid negligent drivings  , health issues like lung &.oral cancers even of  Urinary bladder 
After completing the training sessions all the participants.During the session all the Enforcement teams were apprised to display the sign boards,fix the Hoardings .on this Occasion informative booklet with pamphlets & kits were distributed to the participants. On this event *Eat Right India* was summarized at broader level  for modification of life styles for Healthy Nation .Finally all the participants to act as antidote to the challenges took pledge to make the mission successful.


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