GMC staff bids adieu to Jony Kumar AO on his transfer*

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*GMC staff bids adieu to Jony Kumar AO on his transfer*
Doda, March 11:Staff at Make Shift Campus of Government  Medical College Doda  today bids teary adieu to Sh Jony Kumar, Administrative Officer on his transfer to Rural Development Department. 
While recalling the unmatchable and exemplary services of the outgoing Administrative Officer, all the speakers said that the person of his calibre are limited in the Administrative set up of the J&K and his services in GMC Doda  will be recalled in the later times by the GMC Administration as well as by the people also.
The AO, Mr Jony Kumar extended warm and affectionate gratitude to the staff of the medical College Doda for extending unconditional support during his services in the institute.
The staff wished him best of luck for new assignments and also prayed for his sound health and happiness for the upcoming countless times.


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