CHIRALLA DEVELOPMENT Society Demands Vigilance enquiry On substandard material use in Soling/metalling and Black Topping of Circular Road Sunarthawa Chiralla*

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CHIRALLA DEVELOPMENT Society Demands Vigilance enquiry On substandard material use in Soling/metalling and Black Topping of Circular Road Sunarthawa Chiralla*


Doda::Winter Snowfall/rains Exposes The Actual material used in metalling/Soling and black topping Of Circular Road Sunarthawa Chiralla*
The circular Road Sunarthawa Chiralla that starts from Thellela to Sunarthawa via Chiralla and Bhella to Sunarthawa via panchi Rokali. The black topping that was completed from chabri to Tehsil HQ Chiralla last year and 2nd grade soling was done from  Bolian to tehsil HQ via Sunarthawa but unfortunately due to use of substandard material soil/ clay has been washed out due to snow and big craters has been developed in middle of the road on many places leading to big problem for vehicles to run on these school days. Moreover almost all scuppers has been left with out filling on both sides which led to danger for cars/vehicles to hit from beneath with them.In upper bajja pully has been completed a year ago but still no vehicle passes through it due to negligence of PMGSY Department.The condition of black topping from puneja to HQ Chiralla is matter of great concern. 

It is big question mark for PMGSY Department how JE/AEE had paid the bills with out checking the actual material used in soling and black topping.

Chiralla Development Society requests administration to do independent enquiry by on spot checking of material by expert team and immediate Resoling  and filling of all creators, both sides of scuppers with hard stone so that students and teachers can reach on time in schools falling on this circular Road and public can't be suffer more. If Govt is spending crores of rupees on these roads for benifit of public why these roads are being left in such a bad condition to invite accidents in spite of payment done for this soling and black topping


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