Food Bussiness Operators Capacity Building program under FSSAI held at Doda*

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*Food Bussiness Operators Capacity Building program under FSSAI held at Doda*

Doda, December 31; As per FSSAI guidelines every FBO shall have their licenses & registration as well as trained team of Food Safety Supervisors  to deliver Safe, Hygienic & Healthy Food to the Customers. In this regard  one day Food Bussiness Operators Capacity Building program/ training under FSSAI was held at Doda.

 Today under these initiatives in Distt. Administration Doda and as per directions of Worthy Commissioner FDA J&K, under the able guidance of Worthy DC Doda Vikas Sharma & ADC Doda Dr R K Bharti,Taraq Ahmad Butt Assistant Commissioner Food Safety District Doda along with Food Safety Officers have started to take the initiative of FoSTaC training to certify the Food handlers in Collaboration with Accredtion Counsel of India FSSAI, FoSTaC training partner. 

First  phase of Hygiene rating of the 05 Hotels & restaurants & one Hospital at Doda has been  started & IInd phase will shortly be operated for other Hotels & restaurants & Food junctions in District Doda. 
 Under the initiatives of Eat Right Challenge FSSAI Govt. of India, this Expedition is being carried out to make maximum coverge of the subject matter. Today Hygiene kits were distributed to the participants free of cost.

 Further it was informed that such kind of programmes will continue and  training, licenses and Registrations camps shall be held in collaboration of FoSTaC. Hygiene rating programs, Eat Right Campus, BHOG, clean Street Food Hubs, Clean fruits & vegetables markets in District Doda shall also be conducted so that every food handler in our District should have FSSAI licenses/registration & team of FoSTaC trained Food handlers to deliver the safe, quality & Hygienic Food to the Consumers with an objective to mark the District Doda at no. one  position in J&K in accordance with the maximum fullfillment of targets of FSSAI Govt. of India.


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