Chairman DDC Doda holds meeting of General body of district council

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Chairman DDC Doda holds meeting of General body of district council

Directs all line departments to share their proposed plans with the members of the council to avoid repetition of works, Also asks to strictly ensure the implementation of the directions of the council

Doda,March 05: Chairman District Development Council Dhananter Singh Kotwal today chaired the meeting of the general body of the council here at Conference hall of DC office to discuss the issues related to development and other allied sectors in the constituencies/blocks of the DDC members. Besides, also sought the feedback of the departments with regard to the issues raised by the council.
During the meeting threadbare discussion was held with regard to the issues of public importance raised by the members including the delay in ongoing works, the works not taken up, besides the members of the council also sought the action taken report by the departments with regard to the previous meetings.

The Chairman DDC while addressing to the departments sought better coordination of the officers with the PRI members for the smooth conduct of the buisness of the council, besides directed them to respond to the issues being forwarded to them by the respective PRI members on priority basis.

Chairman DDC asked all departments to ensure the disposal of each issue which have been raised by the members with top priority. He further asked them to strictly implement the directions in letter and spirit, which the members of the council issued to them.

Further the Chairman DDC directed all line departments to share their plan proposals with the members of the council so that the repetition of the works shall be avoided and accordingly the works shall the proposed in their next annual action plan.

In addition to this the DDC Chairperson have directed all the line departments to ensure that all the ongoing works shall be completed by the end of the financial year on priority basis without lapsing the funds alloted against the plan/works.

The meeting was attended by Vice Chairperson Sangeeta Rani Bhagat, BDC Chairpersons, DDC members, ADDC Doda/CEO Pran Singh, CPO Doda Parshotam Kumar, AC Panchayat Ashfaq Ahmed Khanji, ACD Doda Phulail Singh, besides other key Officials of various line departments were also present in the meeting.


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