AJKLTF Unit Doda expressed resentment over small allocation of 115 posts to district Doda in ongoing process of departmental promotions of Teachers in Jammu Province .

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AJKLTF Unit Doda expressed resentment over small allocation of 115 posts to district Doda in ongoing process of departmental promotions of Teachers in Jammu Province .


Doda::Dated: 27-03-2022; Doda.  All Jammu kashmir & Ladakh Teachers Federation unit Doda headed by District President  Mohan Singh Parihar and Dr Ameet Singh District Secretary convened a meeting of its office bearers under the guidance of Neeraj Sharma State Vice President at District Headquarter Doda .
The meeting got  chaired by Sh Satya Bhushan State Secretary and Prabhari of District Doda in which representatives from Zone
Thathri,Gundna,Bhatyas,Bhalessa,,Bhalla,Bhagwah,Bhaderwah participated.
The meeting was aimed to discuss and deliberate upon the ongoing process of departmental promotions of teachers as masters besides to convey and brief the calendar issued by ABRSM the parent organisation. 
The meeting got held in two sessions, in the first session the office bearers including the Zonal Presidents ,Secretaries and members of female wing of AJKLTF headed by Purnma Kotwal and Aruna Parihar were briefed about the organisational activities to be carried out in the district. Satya Bhushan ji Prabhari and Sanjay Sharma State secretary briefed the members about different activities under the umbrella program ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Maha Utsav’.  In addition to it, the office bearers were urged to convene Zonal meetings by or before 15-04-2022 and frame the cluster bodies at the earliest.
During the second session the issues pertaining to service matters of Teachers were discussed in detail. All the stake holders expressed their resentment over the ongoing process of departmental promotions of teachers as Masters  of Jammu Province in which only 1250 posts have been referred for vigilance clearance that too after a period of 8 years since 2014.The majority of the participants  in one voice  appealed to  further take up this issue with Director School Education ,Jammu and Principal Secretary SED so that this meagre number of  1250 be increased to 3000 on the grounds that the DPC for promotion of Teachers has not been held in last 8 years as a result the career progression of teachers has already been badly affected .Moreover, the participants further added that concerned authorities must clarify the actual status of vacancies of masters in Doda district as there are apprehensions that the vacancies occupied for the purpose of drawal of salary by the surplus staff working in their parent districts might not have been  taken into consideration while allocating the quota to our district.

The other issue which got discussed is regarding the deployment of Teachers to SCERT J&K which has been denied in NOTIFICATION NO:14 –JK(EDU) of 2021 dated:30-12-2021, which seems a discrimination with the Teacher cadre. The participants appealed to take up this issue with the concerned authorities so that a genuine quota  be allotted to teachers at par with other proposed cadres in the notification.
Neeraj Sharma State Vice President while addressing the gathering said that the State Executive Body of AJKLTF J&K under the leadership of Dev Raj Thakur and Rattan Sharma is in continuous touch with the higher authorities and are trying their best to convince the authorities to at least promote 3000 teachers of Jammu Province in one go as was promised by Worthy Principal Secretary with the delegates of AJKLTF  in his office on 08-11-2021.

He further said that State Executive body has already submitted their grievances to the authorities with the strong claims .The claims include that merely promoting 1250 teachers out of a total of 32982 is 3.8% of the total which would neither benefit the teaching community at large nor would be much satisfying to the needs of the students. 

The prominent office bearers who participated actively in the meeting include  Balwant Singh , Koshal Kumar ,Chander ji (vice presidents) Rakeshwar Singh Media Prabhari, Jugal Kishore, Aruna Kumari Ji State Executive member,Purnma Kotwal District President female wing,Papu Sharma ,Neema Ji, Rani Kumari,Rekha Ji, Surinder Ji , Ram Jee Kak,Rajat Chouhan, Kuljeet Ji,Angat Manhas, Tara Singh,Sunil Kumar,Chander thakur, Randheer Singh Jaipuria, and others.


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